Monday, February 14, 2011

Popping a pill for a quick fix..think again!

Americans are always looking for the quick fix. They hear all these new products that can make you lose 10lbs by eating a cookie or add 35lbs of muscle with this pill. Well, here is a news flash; It is a bunch of bull.

Although, there may be products out there that will increase your metabolism or cut a few pounds off you, it is all short term. The issue is, when people look for the quick fix, they don't make anything a habit. A lot of people KNOW how to eat right, but just don't do it.

I am telling you, the best way to see the results you want is good diet. The only way your going to get that is building a habit of consistently eating healthy things. Anyone can eat healthy for 2 weeks, but only people with discipline can eat healthy for 2 months, 2 years, and eventually make it a life-time habit.

So, I am warning you know it is not easy. However, don't go for the quick fix. It is best to build a life-time habit of healthy eating. Don't count on a pill, powder, or cookie to change your body. The only thing this will cause is the famous yo-yo effect, which over time will decrease your metabolism.

It's not easy, however, in order to get results in whatever your goal is and make them last, you need to be consistent with your diet. There is no other way, no even a cookie from Hollywood!!!

If you have any questions or topic ideas please e-mail me anytime.


Doug Spurling, CSCS, NSCA-CPT

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