Thursday, September 3, 2009

The importance of a weight training recorder or journal

Do you remember exactly how much weight you lifted and for how many reps last week? How about last month? If you do know, then chances are you are keeping track of your workouts. If not, well start doing it! The only way to know you are improving in the weight room is if you are doing more repetitions with the same weight or you are pushing more weight. Yeah sure, you can guess and estimate if you are improving. However, the only true way to know that for sure is to keep a workout recorder. This can be a blank notebook or a typed our excel document. It is a matter of choice. The important thing is that you write each exercise you completed on that date and for how many sets and reps. That way the next time you complete that exercise you can look back and try to improve on your last performance. Doing this will help you achieve your goals quicker in the weight room!

Questions? Shoot me an e-mail!


Doug Spurling

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