Thursday, October 1, 2009

Battling those night time cravings

So it's 9:00pm. You sitting on the couch watching the Red Sox game. You suddenly get hungry. What do you eat? Well, you know what you shouldnt eat, but what foods are good for you at night. The biggest thing you want to avoid at night is any carbohyrates. Carbs are broken down as energy and any excess that isnt burned as energy is stored as body fat. So, as you are settling down for the night getting ready for bed you dont use much of any energy. That explains why you dont need carbs at night.

So, now you know to avoid carbs at night. Well, as you know protein is an essential nutritnet for muslce growth and recovery. So you definetely want to inlcude that in your meal. However, it shouldnt just be any type of protein. It is best to have cassein protein at night. Cassein protein is a very slow digesting protein that takes anywhere from 6-8 hours to digest. So you take in some cassein protein before bed and you have an instant metabolism boost. This way, your body is still working while you are sleeping to breakdown that protein and provide it to your muslces, vital organs, and keeping your metabolism skyrocketing.

So what kind of food cotains cassein protein. Basicaly any milk or cheeses. No, that does not include icecream! Foods that best for you at night are thing like milk, string cheese, sliced cheese, and cassein protein powder. However, there is one food that beats all of those is the king of night time muscle building. That food is.................


Yes, I know most people look at it and gag but I promise you it is the best thing you can have at night. 7 years ago when I first started lifting I hated cottage cheese. I couldnt even stand to look at it. I soon learned that I was going to have to force myself to like it. Today, after a hard day of school and work I cannot wait to get home and chow down on my cup of cottage cheese.

So, next time you have a night time craving try to avoid those cupcakes, chips, and poptarts and stick to that cassein protein and eat some cottage cheese!

Questions? Shoot me an e-mail!


Doug Spurling

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