Friday, July 31, 2009

Hey, I got a link for ya'

I running short on time, trying to get everything done before I head down to MA for a weekend so it is going to be a quick blog. I want you to check out the link below. It is by a intern the same age as me. He interns at Mike Boyle's Strength and Conditioning down in Boston, MA. He puts his insight on how important nutrition is, and how most people in the gym are not getting proper nutrition. He even throws in a nice little video at the end about cooking for the first time, preparing food for a week ahead, and a nice little breakfast smoothie. I will be back on Monday to add my own insight on just how important nutrition is in exercising.

Check out the link by clicking here

Have a good weekend!


Big D.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sprinter throwing fastballs and football players running marathons!!!???

If you want to be a better football player you train like a football player. You train for strength and power and the ability to develop max power for 8-10 seconds with 30-45 seconds rest. If you are a marathon runner you build up enough endurance to run 26+ miles. So, why doesn't everyone train that way? I recently saw a football player at a gym running on a treadmill for a good 30-45 minutes straight at the same pace. Sure, it is better then doing nothing, but is it going to make him a better football player? NO! He would get more benefit from running 10-15 30 yard sprints with a 30 second to a minute break in between. Same thing with a sprinter. Why would you run for multiple miles when in your race you are only running 100meters. You should train to best simulate a game like situation. What happens if you train like a marathon runner instead of a sprinter. Along with building endurance and a much more leaner build you are going to recruit slow twitch muscle fibers instead of fast twitch muscle fibers. As a sprinter it is crucial to have more fast twitch muscle fibers throughout your body then slow twitch muscle fibers. So, train the way you play. If you need to build endurance and run a marathon, run long distances. If you are a football player, lift heavy for power, and complete sprints, not triathlons.

The same thing goes with bodybuilders and power lifters. How your body looks depends on how you lift. I often say, a bodybuilder looks like he can bench 500pounds but a power lifter can press that 500 pounds with ease. A bodybuilder cares how they look, a power lifter cares how much they lift. If you want to look like a bodybuilder you must lift like a bodybuilder. You must complete isolation movements and relatively high reps(8-12) to get the definition. If you lift constantly with ONLY compound movements and low reps(3-6) you are going to look and perform like a power lifter. That is not to say that bodybuilder cannot perform compound movements such as dead lifts, squats and bench press. However, to get the symmetry the judges are looking for isolation movements must be completed. On the other hand, why should power lifters spend there time doing biceps curls? There time would be better spent working on the big three, squat, dead lift, and bench press. They also of course should perform other exercises to supplement the big three such as rack pulls and close grip bench press. However, there time should not be spent performing 1,001 reps of biceps curls.

So, leave with this. If you want to be a good sprinter, train like a sprinter. If you want to be a good football player, train like a football player. If you want to be a bodybuilder, train like a bodybuilder. If you want to be a power lifter, train like a power lifter. Don't forget that. A lot of people want to be a football player but want to look like a bodybuilder. You cant train for explosive power and have the symmetry of a bodybuilder. At the same time you can train isolation movements all the time and have the speed, strength, and power of a football player. Train for what you want to be!


Big D.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Random Thoughts to end the week

Before I make the trip down to MA to see my family this weekend I wanted to squeeze in some random thoughts to end the week.

1. Redsox-What the heck is going on with them? After getting man handled by Texas I hope the off night tonight will give them the boost they need to tackle Baltimore this weekend. If they get swept by Baltimore this weekend, we might as well turn our complete focus onto the Patriots training camp. Okay, maybe a little extreme, but for god sake, they are in desperate need of a win. Nonetheless, I still plan to make the drive down to Fenway at least once this season.

2. Weather-What they hell is up with this summer? I can count the number of good days we have had on one hand. The weather has put a burden on all of us. I am sure the tourist towns such as Kennebunkport are not to happy with this weather. I know it has caused me to save some money and not buy a motorcycle until next season. In June, we all said that July will be good. Now its July and we are all saying August will be the month. Well soon, were not going to be saying anything becuase we will be to busy shoveling our driveways!!!

3. Magic Bullet-If you dont have one, get one. This is by far the biggest investment I have made. At first it seemed like just another one of those TV gimmics. However, this thing is the real deal. It will mix anything and everything. Whether you want to make smoothies, chicken salads, martinis, or chop ice. This thing does everything you could ever imagine. The best part is it is small and portable. The blender cup also easily spins off and serves as a regular drinking cup, saving dishes. You know how much college kids hate doing dishes. I highly suggest making the $50 investment and getting yourself a Magic Bullet.

Well folks, short and sweet this week. Have a great weekend, and hopefully the weather will cooperate. I will be back on Monday. If you ever have any questions or suggestions please feel free to e-mail me.


Big D.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"How much ya' bench?"

Going to college and working at a gym I hear that phrase all too often. How much do you bench? Who gives a shit!! Is the the real determinant of overall body strength? No, I don't think so. There are several ways to determine if someone is "strong" or not. I consider someone strong if they can run a marathon. I consider someone strong if they can bench 400 pounds. I consider someone strong if they can take a hit in football and pop right back up. I consider someone strong if they can fight the battle of cancer, and win.

As you can see there are many ways to determine if someone is strong or not. However, one of the biggest factors is your relative body strength. Your relative body strength is how strong you are for your body weight. So, ya I can bench 300lbs. However, I weigh 280pounds. So I can only bench 20pounds more then my body weight. There may be a kid who weighs 150pounds and benches 200. Is he stronger then me. Well no, but for his body weight he is stronger.

A big thing I see all to often is people busting out bench press, bicep curls, and triceps press downs all the time. Why are you benching if you can even do a push-up? Why are you doing a bicep curl if you cant do a chin-up? Why are you doing a triceps press down of you cant do a dip? Obviously there are certain circumstances where you are not able too. However, for the most part, you would rather see yourself curling 100 pounds instead of struggling to bust out 8 solid chin-ups. Very few people do body weight exercises. Yes, dont get me wrong, bodybuilding has its time, but if you cant do a dip, why are you doing a tricep pressdown. I would highly reccommend evaluating your lifts and take look at what you are doing. Why are you trying to push around extra weight if you cant even handle your own weight? Do a workout of all bodyweight exercises.


Prisoner Squats

I bet it will give you better fat loss and more muscle. Stick with those body weight movements before you go throwing around plates on the bench press.

Big D.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The worst news of my life....

Two weekends ago I decided to go for a visit down to my family in Massachusetts. I enjoy it up here in Maine, I have work up here, school, internship, friends, and there is always something to do. However, I still do miss my hometown. So, I decided to take a weekend off and venture down the good ol' Maine Turnkpike and go see the family.

I walked in to the house, and suddenly realized something was not right. It was a Friday night and my whole family was watching a Law and Order episode and about to pass out. Usually I come home and everyone is doing something. Dad is fixing something in the garage, brother is sitting alongside him trying to help, and mom is either cooking dinner or cleaning up the house. Something was not right. I sat down in the only empty cushion left on the couch and asked what was wrong. I was not expecting the news I got.

Holding back tears my mom mumbled out that she has been diagnosed with advanced small cell lung cancer. It has also spread to her liver and possibly her back. I immediately, went into shock. She is 51 years old, how could she have lung cancer? Well, folks, as sad as it is, that is what smoking does to you. Up until 3 weeks ago my mom smoked 8-10 cigarettes every day. That was the sole cause of this horrid disease. So, after I talked to her for a while about how she feels, what the next step is, and what the prognosis is I immediately began my research. For that whole entire weekend I read and read and read on this type of lung cancer, what exactly is it, what are the best treatments, what are the side effects, etc. That was my way of coping with it. Along with spending time with her, I wanted to become as knowledgeable about the subject as possible.

My mom begins chemotherapy tomorrow. She went from working 40+ hours a week as a senior accountant, a superb chef for the family at night, and the hardest worker you could imagine to a women struggling to stay awake and even have the energy to get up and go the bathroom.

I love her with all my heart and I am staying positive with this whole situation. She is on my mind now 24/7, that is all I cant think about. I have had to make some drastic changes in my life. As many of you know I love football, and play at the semi-professional level. As of right now, I have postponed my time on the gridiron to spend more time with my mom. Football will always be there, my mom wont be. I have to take care of her before I can lace up the cleats again. I now drive down to MA three times a week to stay with my mom and the rest of my family. I pray every single night that she will beat this cancer and be able to get back to doing what she use to do, being the best mom in the world. I don't know what my future will bring with all of this, but as you can imagine it has caused a lot of stress in my life right now. I just pray she will get past this and be a cancer survivor.

Love you Mom! Stay Strong!

Big D.

Friday, July 10, 2009

This just might be the best workout you have ever done.

When was the last time you seriously had your ass handed to you in the gym. I mean, not just going in, doing your routine, and running home for the sox game! I mean, you had to practically crawl home the workout was so good. Yes, for some, its been a while, for most, they have never had a workout that hard.  

What I am talking about is the Tabata workout. This workout is one the most high intensity workouts you will ever do. It is good because it is short, 4 minutes. However, you will feel like you just ran the Boston Marathon after. Also, you can do it with cardio, weights, or both!

The Tabata Protocol was created by Izumi Tabata.  I recently took part in a tabata workout, and man, I have never had a workout so good, in such a short amount of time. I was dead, on the floor, crying for mommy, in less than 8 minutes. 

The tabata consits of a series of intervals with 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off. You do that for as long as you can. I guarantee you wont even hit the ten minute mark before you drop.

You can do that with cardio. Simply, jump on your favorite piece of cardio equipment. Do a two minute warm-up then bust ass as hard as you can, full out sprint, for twenty seconds.  Go back to a light job for 10 seconds, then immediately back to the sprint for 20 seconds. So, one round should take 30 seconds. Try to last 4 minutes. You will be begging to stop!

You can also do it with weights, which is what I did.  Pick 8 exercises, 4 upper body, and 4 lower body.  Start at the first exercise and do it for 20 seconds, then the 10 second break immediately starts ticking. Get ready to do the next exercise, when the 10 seconds are up, go right into the next exercise.  Bust that out for 20 seconds to your absolute max, take the 10 second rest and continue on with the rest of the exercises in that same pattern.  Don't come crying to me if you are a little sore the next day.  Like I mentioned, you can also mix up cardio and weights to hit every corner.  

I do have a little medical disclaimer to add. Although on paper this sounds pretty easy, trust me, it is not for the beginner. You should be at an advanced fitness level before you begin this. 

So, everyone spends 5 minutes drinking their coffee in the morning, or laying on the couch. I never want to hear that excuse someone doesn't have the time to workout. Everyone has five minutes to workout, and if you only have 5 minutes, this is the workout to do. 

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend, especially since the weather is starting to look pretty good. I will be back on Monday. 

Finally, I would like to wish my dad a happy 63rd birthday tomorrow.  

Happy Birthday Dad!

Have a good weekend everyone!

Big D 

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Raman Noodles, Pizza, and Pop-Tarts!

Yes, you guessed it. That is the typical college kid diet. They wake up two minutes before class, grab a package of Pop-Tarts and mosey on in to class. Then they go back to there dorm take a nap, wake up and make themselves a cup of Ramen Noodles. If they are feeling energetic they will head to the cafe and grab something half way decent, however, ordering from the local pizza joint is a more common choice.

However, that is not the only options you have. I have been in a college dorm for three years. With nothing more then a microwave, refrigerator, George Foremen grill, and a magic bullet in my 5ftX8ft room I have managed to maintain a very well balanced diet. Here is how I do it and some tips for you whether you are a college kid yourself or just on the road traveling or working.

For breakfast you have a few options. In my opinion the best option is eggs. The best and most convenient way is raw. Yeah, that's right, I said it, RAW. Simply pour 4-6 eggs into a shaker bottle, mix it with milk and a scoop or two of your favorite protein powder and you have a delicious shake you can take anywhere. Now if your not feeling the whole raw thing, scrambled is another option. Yes, you can scramble eggs in a microwave. Mix up the eggs in a microwave safe bowl, add some milk, and stick in the microwave for 2-5 minutes depending on how many eggs you are cooking. The third option is oatmeal. Oatmeal takes two minutes to make and is one of the best things you can have for breakfast. Add some water or milk to your oatmeal and stick it in the microwave for two minutes.

For a mid morning snack you have a few options. I usually choose a piece of fruit like a banana, and 2 scoops of your favorite protein shake. You can also add or replace, depending on your calories needs a handful of almonds.

Lunch and dinner, I find to be the toughest. Being on the go whether I am at internship, work, or getting ready to drive to football practice, I have to make sure I get in my calories at these meals. Depending on your goals, you can adjust how much carbs, protein, and fat are in each of these meals. If you are trying to cut weight I suggest you cut down your carbohydrate intake to little or none at dinner time unless you have your workout around that time. Keeping carbohydrates low will keep the weight off. As far as what to do, well here is what I do. Usually on Sunday night I plug my George Foremen in. I cook enough chicken or other lean meat that will last me the entire week. I individually wrap them in tinfoil and refrigerate. Also, I will make small wraps that are very portable. I take a leaf of romaine lettuce, some lean turkey meal and some cheese, and wrap it up all together. I put them in small sand which bags and refrigerate them until I need them. Also, to get your good fatty oils, you can do the same thing with tuna fish.

For a night time snack, you cant beat cottage cheese. Every night, like pregnant women look forward to their ice cream, I look forward to my cottage cheese. I sit at my desk, recap what I did that day, plan what I have in store for the next day, and enjoy my cottage cheese.

Obviously, that isn't a full meal plan, but that should get you started in the right direction. Other essential like fruits and vegetables are easily bought, stored, and carried around so I can count on you to figure out a way to get your other fruits and veggies in.

A big problem with college kids or people who are on the road traveling or working is the use of protein bars. Yes, there are some good protein bars out there, but most of them are crap. Also, even the best of them are loaded with sugars and carbohydrates. So, if you don't have them at the right time, they can do more harm then good to your diet and physique. So, they are better then having nothing, but try to stay away from the protein bars.

I hope this helps and is a little kick start to get your diet and check and don't make excuses whether you are a college student or traveling worker. The freshmen fifteen is no more!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Bulging Biceps

As I sit here with my glutes firmly resting on a stability ball my mind is going crazy. The male ego is something else.  I never understood it.  I see day in and day out guys coming into the gym and do nothing but 1,000 variations of the curl.  That is all they care about, how much they bench and how big their guns are. Just like I will never understand women and their crazy ways of thinking, I will never understand why men are obsessed with bulging biceps.  Sure, to the average joe, that is what they use as a tool to see if someone is "jacked" or not. No, its not how many dips they can do, how much relative body strength they have, it is the size of the arms. If you have big biceps you are jacked, if you don't, you are just an average joe. What a bunch of crap! I never understood the big obsession with bulging biceps. No I am not calling myself perfect, and I don't expect you all to bow down to me every time you see me, however, I never got into that phase. I never sought after huge massive biceps. As a football player, when do I ever use my biceps? I would much rather focus on the strength of my triceps and my ability to push 350lb offensive lineman around like nothing.  I see guys come into the gym with their spandex shirt on, two sizes to small, busting our curls 2 feet away from the mirror. So close, that I can't even get in front of them to grab my pair of dumbbells. So gentlemen do three things for me and I will be happy;

1. Buy a bigger shirt
2. Stand back at least five feet from the mirror

I don't need to lecture to you the importance of compound lifts and other exercises in general aside from curls. I know it won't go throw your thick skull that bulging biceps isn't everything so I am not even going to try. Continue with your curls, and hopefully you will soon realize that tight t-shirts and big guns isnt everything. Some day you will learn to leave your ego at the door!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

My First Blog

So, after a few months of debating I finally decided to start a blog of my own. I realized, that with today's technology, that is the best way to get my name out in the strength and conditioning field. All the big wigs of the field have it, so hell, why not me?

This blog will mainly consist of sports, fitness, and nutrition topics. However, it is a blog, so I am sure there will be some random thoughts every once in a while.

I am writing this on America's Birthday so I have to keep it short and sweet as I have festivities to attend to and I just wanted to enter my first blog to give a mini introduction. So, until next time, I am outta here!

Doug Spurling